Countdown Source Code

From Unfiction:

I took the countdown file and ran it through a Flash decompiler so I could get at the source code. Nothing's hidden in there, but I can confirm it's counting down to noon on January 16, 2009, in whatever timezone your computer is in.

countdown_mc.startCountdown(2009, 1, 16, 12, 0, jump, sc, "f3f3ec", snd);
startCountdown - function (yr, mo, da, ho, mi, nextYear, timeScript, color, snd)

I've seen this referenced as 5:00 UTC, but that technically isn't accurate. It's just 12 noon, local time. I imagine it's supposed to be Milwaukee time (CST, GMT -6), but when I called 414-688-7035 and got the voice mail, times were given in EST (GMT -5), so I suppose that's possible as well.