
Wikipedia pages

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Saved by niles
on November 25, 2008 at 3:06:47 pm

Various pages on Wikipedia have been found that reference Blackstar and related topics.


  • Fennel Page: User added a section on "Fennel in Popular Culture" at 16:36, 21 November 2008. This section stated that fennel is "Featured prominently as the 'Flax seed' in the Japanese anime 'Blackstar no Blackstar'". This section has since been deleted, but can be viewed here
  • Witch School Page: User added a controverst section saying "The creation of a Wiccan school in the conservative small town of Hoopeston caused considerable uproar at first. Residents of the town and its surrounding areas mobilized with protests and petitions in opposition to the school, and lobbied the City Council to try to prevent it from moving there.[2]The controversy over Witch School was the subject of the 2008 documentary film "Hoopeston."[3] The film premiered at the 2008 New York Underground Film Festival." This section still (as of 11/25/2008) exists, and can also be viewed here
  • Hoopeston, Illinois Page: User also edited the Hoppeston, Illinois page, saying "The town and its former Witch School were featured in the 2008 documentary film "Hoopeston,"[1] which premiered at the 15th New York Underground Film Festival." This section is also still present, but can also be viewed here.


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